Student Life
Welcome to the vibrant world of student life at Horace Greeley, where there are endless opportunities for exploration, engagement, belonging, and personal growth. Our diverse array of clubs and organizations cater to a wide range of interests, ensuring that every student can find their place to thrive and make meaningful connections. It's important to note that clubs may change from year to year based on student voice and interest.
For a comprehensive list of all current clubs and more detailed information, be sure to visit the student life page on Canvas.
Please visit the Student Life course in Canvas to keep up on everything Greeley.
Student Life Coordinator
Greeley Clubs & Activities
- Academic ChallengeMock Trial
- Model UN
- Science Olympiad
- WiSTEM (Women in STEM)
Community Service
- Alliance for Equality
- Make-A-Wish
- Operation Prom
- Operation Smile
- Puritans
- Relay for Life
- S.H.A.R.E. (Sharing Hands Across Ridgelines Everywhere)
- Sustainability Club
- Greeley Cancer Awareness
- Beach and Ocean Protection
- AAPIA (Asian American Pacific Islander Association)
- BIPOC Student Union
- Chinese Club
- Jewish Student Union
- SAMES (South Asian Middle Eastern Society)
- OLAS (Spanish Club)
Health & Wellness:
- Breakfast Club
- Mental Wellness Club
- SADD (students against destructive decisions)
- Ultimate Frisbee
Leadership & Personal Development:
- Student Government
- Class Councils
Special Interests:
- Baking Club
- Dungeons and Dragons
- Greeley Weather Service
- Fun and Arts Club
- Horace Greeley Warhammer
- Jazz Club
- Origami Club
- The Greeley Voice
- Video Game Club